zondag 21 november 2010

The kingdom of the Golden Parachutes: California

As we are focusing on who is getting these golden parachutes, we should notify that there is a third group rising besides the top managers and the students. In California the spotlight is changing from the executives to the union-protected government workers, causing the companies to leave California and settle in less-restrictive and less-taxed areas like Texas and Arizona. It is only a natural consequence that this reallocation is causing unemployment, in times that the states’ pension fund is at the brink of bankruptcy.

Nevertheless we can’t forget the executives. Although the government workers are rising, the managers are still paying themselves way too much, living a luxurious life including sex and drugs. It looks like California is getting out of control, but if even the government workers are participating, who can stop this crazy behavior? Regular people are paying and losing too much, I think it won’t take too long anymore before they decide to protest against this money absorbing habit. (Dailycaller)

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